In a working session with representatives of the Vietnamese community, Hai spoke highly of the support activities that Vietnamese organizations have given to the affected traders.

One thousand and four hundred stalls engulfed in flames at a shopping center in Warsaw, Poland (Photo: Wawa Hot News 24/VNA)

The ambassador said he would work closely with competent authorities in the host nation to discuss measures to ensure their rights such as helping them have their identity documents re-granted and get new employment.

He gave a donation of the embassy’s staff to the traders, and provided them with citizen protection hotlines of +48782.257.359 and +48601.925.288, highlighting that the embassy will arrange an additional reception to handle personal documents for citizens.

Meanwhile, several Vietnamese enterprises in Poland said they will receive those who lost their jobs after the fire and help the affected establishments to shift their business models.

The Vietnamese associations in the European country has set up a community-support board to help the citizens recover from the incident.

The shopping center at No.44 Marywilska is a large retail centre in Poland with approximately 1,400 commercial units, of which about one-third were run by 400 Vietnamese. Hundreds of Vietnamese were working at nail rooms and restaurants there.

Upon receiving information on the fire, Deputy Minister of Foreign Affairs and Chairwoman of the State Commission for Overseas Vietnamese Le Thi Thu Hang on May 13 sent a letter of sympathy to the affected Vietnamese citizens and organizations.

Source: VNA