The launching ceremony at the Military Medical Academy was attended by the GDP’s Deputy Director Lieutenant General Nguyen Van Gau.

Lieutenant General Nguyen Van Gau speaks at the event.

Speaking at the ceremony, Lieutenant General Nguyen Van Gau stressed that the voluntary blood donation is a meaningful activity, which has been deployed across the military, contributing to saving thousands of troops and people. The whole-military troops acknowledge the significance of the activity and are always ready to donate their blood, he added.

In 2005, the whole-military troops donated 16,374 blood units, and the figure for 2022 was 47,510 units. The Military Medical University has maintained the campaign over the past 23 years, collecting nearly 32,000 safe blood units. The collected blood has met the needs of treatment at military hospitals in recent years.

Many cadets join the voluntary blood donation program of the Military Medical University.

The GDP Deputy Director required the units’ Party committees and chains of command at all levels to enhance information dissemination with various forms, contributing to promoting the voluntary blood donation movements in the whole military.

He noted that the military hospitals should build appropriate plans for blood donation programs in accordance with the actual needs and the military’s missions.

Lieutenant General Nguyen Van Gau and delegates inquire after blood donors of the Military Medical University. 

He urged the Military Youth Advisory Board to coordinate with agencies inside and outside the military to promote the voluntary blood donation movement among youth union members while promptly praising outstanding collectives and individuals of the movement.

At the launching ceremony, over 600 youth union members of the Military Medical University signed to donate their blood.

Translated by Trung Thanh