At these celebrations, the 2019 White Paper on Vietnam National Defense was also introduced to local officials and foreign defense attachés in the countries.

The event in Phnom Penh was attended by Cambodian Deputy Prime Minister and Defense Minister Tea Banh, Deputy Prime Minister Men Sam An, along with senior officers of the Royal Cambodian Armed Forces.

At the celebration in Cambodia

Head of the Vietnamese defense attaché office in Cambodia Col. Nguyen Thanh Chinh said Vietnam has established defense ties with over 80 countries and international organizations, and set up 33 defense attaché offices in 32 countries and the United Nations. Fifty-one countries have also opened defense and military attaché offices in Vietnam.

Since 2014, Vietnam has sent personnel to some UN peacekeeping missions, and they have fulfilled their assigned tasks, he said, noting that it is actively preparing for its ASEAN chairmanship in 2020 and non-permanent membership at the UN Security Council for 2020-2021.

Introducing the Defense White Paper 2019, Chinh highlighted Vietnam’s policy of not participating in any military alliances, not allying with one country to fight the other, not allowing foreign countries to locate their military bases in or use Vietnam’s territory to oppose other nations, and not using force or threatening to use force in international relations.

Vietnam respects the independence, sovereignty, unity, and territorial integrity of all countries as specified in international law. It resolutely and persistently safeguards its sovereignty, sovereign rights, and jurisdiction over its sea areas in accordance with international law, he added.

Congratulating the Vietnamese military on its achievements, Lt. Gen. Phat Vibolsopheak, head of the foreign relations department at the Cambodia Ministry of Defense, said the countries’ traditional friendship that has been increasingly enhanced through annual high-level visits and officer exchanges will be the foundation for stronger ties between the two militaries.

Delegates at the celebration in Russia

Meanwhile, the ceremony in Moscow saw the presence of nearly 250 guests, including Deputy Chief of the General Staff of the Russian Armed Forces Vice Admiral Viktor Liina, representatives of the Russian defense and foreign ministries, Russian veterans, the Russia-Vietnam Friendship Association, and foreign diplomatic corps.

Giving an overview of the Defense White Paper 2019, Defense Attaché Col. Tran Tien Phuong said the paper aims to re-affirm and further clarify the nature of the Vietnamese defense, which is peace and self-defense. It also points out challenges facing the Vietnamese defense and adjustments to the country’s defense policy.

The paper also shows the transparency in Vietnam’s defense policy and capability, thereby helping to boost mutual understanding and trust between Vietnam and other countries, he noted.

Vietnamese Ambassador to Russia Ngo Duc Manh told reporters that in defense cooperation, Russia is a leading partner of Vietnam, adding that defense cooperation is one of the important pillars in the two countries’ comprehensive strategic partnership.

At a similar event in Paris, Vietnamese Ambassador to France Nguyen Thiep affirmed that defense relations between the two countries have continually been reinforced in recent years.

At the event in France

During a trip to France in September 2018, Defense Minister Gen. Ngo Xuan Lich and his French counterpart signed an agreement amending bilateral defense cooperation and a joint vision statement on defense cooperation for 2018-2028, showing defense ties play a crucial role in the countries’ strategic cooperation, Thiep said.

At the celebration, Defense Attaché Col. Tran Tuan Anh presented the White Paper on Vietnam National Defense 2019 to the Defense Ministry of France.

Source: VNA