Seven European-Vietnamese friendship associations have signed a statement that objects the New York court of appeals dismissal of the lawsuit by Vietnamese Agent Orange /dioxin victims and calls on the world community to support their fight for justice.

The statement describes the February 22 ruling by the US Court of Appeals for the Second Circuit “irrational, biased and unfair decision which does not respond to the reality faced every day by the Vietnamese victims whose suffering is caused by Agent Orange/Dioxin”.

Signatories to the statement included the Belgium-Vietnam Association, the France-Vietnam Friendship Association, the Italy-Vietnam National Association, the Switzerland-Vietnam Association, the Britain-Vietnam Friendship Society, the Friendship Association with Vietnam (Freundschaftsgesellschaft Vietnam, Germany) and Al Burke, co-ordinator of the Stockholm 2002 Conference in Sweden.

The statement underlines the fact that the US chemical companies' production and supply of toxic chemicals for US forces' use in the Vietnam War continues to cause deadly and long lasting consequences to human health and ecosystems in Vietnam.

“The demands of the victims of Agent Orange/dioxin are completely legitimate. The Vietnamese victims of Agent Orange/dioxin have no other option than to continue their fight for justice and we support their appeal to the US Supreme Court,” signatories to the statement confirmed.

The seven signatories confirmed in the statement that they will ask people of conscience the world over to stand side by side with them in demanding that the producers of the lethal poisons fulfil their legal, spiritual and moral responsibilities for the consequences that they have caused.

The statement has also gained support from other social organisations, including the Americans Against the War of France, the Republic Association of Veterans (ARAC), the French Committee for Van Canh village, Infants of the World-the Human rights (France), the Peace Movement and unions of Vietnamese youngsters, students and people in France.

Source: VNA, Photo: Internet