The visit to Cuba is made at the invitation of First Secretary of the Communist Party of Cuba Central Committee and President of Cuba Miguel Diaz Canel Bermudez and his spouse.

This is the first visit of Party General Secretary and President To Lam to Cuba in his capacity as the Party and State leader. This demonstrates the great attachment that the Vietnamese Party, State, and Party General Secretary and President To Lam have to Cuba and the Vietnam-Cuba relationship.

Party General Secretary and State President To Lam and his spouse

For Vietnam, Cuba is a country of profound closeness and affection. Despite the geographical distance, the two nations have always stood by each other with sincere solidarity, as President Ho Chi Minh used to affirm: “Vietnam and Cuba are tens of thousands of miles apart, but the hearts of the two countries’ people are as close as brothers in a family.” More than 60 years ago on December 2, 1960, Vietnam and Cuba established diplomatic relations. Since then, despite geographical distance and language barriers, the two countries have stood shoulder to shoulder in the struggle for national liberation, supporting each other in their Fatherland construction and defense. The Vietnamese people will always bear in mind the immortal words of Cuban leader Fidel Castro: "For Vietnam, Cuba is willing to shed its blood."

Through the ups and downs in the history, the Vietnam-Cuba relationship has become a "symbol of the era" and a model in international relations. The two parties, states, and peoples highly value the traditional solidarity and special friendship between Vietnam and Cuba, considering it their precious asset. Vietnam attaches much importance to preserving and is determined to deepen the traditional solidarity, special friendship, and comprehensive cooperation with Cuba, while maintaining a consistent stance of solidarity and support for Cuba. For their part, Cuban senior leaders have affirmed that Vietnam is a "strategic ally" and "most trusted international partner."

Looking back on the past years, the solidarity, mutual support, and comprehensive cooperation between Vietnam and Cuba have been continuously strengthened and expanded across various channels and sectors. The relationship between the two parties has deepened, serving as the political foundation and orientation for the development of bilateral cooperation. Both sides have maintained bilateral meetings and exchanges of delegations at all levels, especially at the highest level. In addition to that, they have effectively implemented mechanisms such as the Inter-governmental Cooperation Committee, Defense Policy Dialogue at the deputy defense ministerial-level, and Political Consultations at the deputy foreign ministerial-level.

In terms of trade cooperation, Vietnam is currently Cuba’s second-largest Asian trading partner. In investment cooperation, Vietnam is the largest Asian investor in Cuba. At international forums, especially the U.N., both sides have actively given support to each other, particularly in issues of strategic interest to Vietnam. Vietnam consistently maintains its stance of solidarity with Cuba, opposing the embargo and calling for its removal.

Despite significant global changes, the close, unwavering, and trustworthy relationship between the Vietnamese and Cuban parties, states, and peoples is increasingly becoming solid, deep, and warm. The leaders of both nations are committed to inheriting and promoting the good traditions, determined to bring the Vietnam-Cuba relationship to a new stage of development, focusing on gradually elevating economic, trade, and investment cooperation to match the positive bilateral political relations. 

In the context of the positively developing Vietnam-Cuba relationship, the state visit to Cuba by Party General Secretary and President To Lam is a significant event in the bilateral relationship. It is an opportunity for both sides to continue to strengthen political trust between the two parties and countries, enhancing the effectiveness of cooperation in various fields. It is firmly believed that this visit will be successful, importantly contributing to strengthening the bilateral relations in an intensive, practical, and effective manner for the benefit of the two peoples and for peace, cooperation, and development in each region and across the globe.

Translated by Tran Hoai