During their talks on April 26 in Havana, the Vietnamese legislator expressed his admiration for the Cuban people's unyielding will and efforts to overcome difficulties, and congratulated Cuba on its recent achievements in law making, especially the approval of new constitution last February.

He expressed his belief that Cuba will gain success in both economic development and national defense, and continue to update its socio-economic model.

Cuban NA Chairman Esteban Lazo Hernandez (R) and Vietnamese NA Vice Chairman Uong Chu Luu

NA Vice Chairman Luu suggested the two sides maintain exchange of regular visits and information and experience sharing mechanisms, and improving the legal framework for bilateral relations.

He stressed the need for the two sides to enhance cooperation projects of agriculture development, biotechnology and pharmaceuticals, tourism and production of consumer products; and continue support each other at multilateral and international forums.

For his part, Esteban Lazo thanked Vietnam for its continuous support for the Cuban people’s struggle against economic, commercial and financial embargo.

He agreed with Luu’s proposals to boost the bilateral relations, and appreciated the exchange of experience in law making and organizing activities of the two legislatures.

He reaffirmed the determination to make the economic and trade ties between the two nations to match with their political relations.

The same day, NA Vice Chairman Luu and the Vietnamese delegation had working sessions with head of the Cuban Supreme Procuracy Yamila Pena Ojeda and head of Cuba’s Communist Party Central Committee’s Department of Culture and Propaganda Roberto Montesino Perez , during which the two sides discussed ways to promote cooperation among of the two countries’ ministries and sectors.

Source: VNA