After 28 years since the two countries established diplomatic relations and 10 years of the comprehensive partnership, Vietnam - U.S. relations have witnessed great strides, developing intensively, substantially, and comprehensively in all important fields at bilateral, regional, and global levels, making active contribution to peace, stability, cooperation, and sustainable development in the region and the world.

The important foundation for the development of the relationship between Vietnam and the U.S. is the two sides' affirmation of such basic principles as respect for independence, sovereignty, territorial integrity, political institutions, equal cooperation and mutual benefit on the basis of international law and the U.N. Charter.

Vietnam - U.S. relations have witnessed great strides, developing intensively, substantially, and comprehensively in all important fields at bilateral, regional, and global levels. (Photo for illustration)

On that basis, Vietnam and the U.S. have constantly strengthened political and diplomatic relations through regular high-level and all-level visits between the two countries, thereby enhancing mutual understanding and deepening the bilateral relations. In March this year, General Secretary Nguyen Phu Trong and President Joe Biden had an important phone talks, orienting and creating strong momentum for the relationship between the two countries in the time ahead. High-level visits, contacts, exchanges and phone calls by leaders of the two countries have promoted the development of Vietnam - U.S. relations on the basis of mutual benefit, equality, and respect for each side’s independence, sovereignty, and political institutions.

Considered the most successful areas of cooperation, the economy-trade ties have become the focal point, foundation, and a driving force for the development of the two nation’s relations. Currently, the U.S. is one of Vietnam's largest trading partners, and is Vietnam's first export market exceeding USD 100 billion. The two-way trade turnover in 2022 reached more than USD 123.86 billion, an increase of 11% against 2021.

In the field of investment, for many years, the U.S. has always been one of the partners with the largest investment in Vietnam. By 2023, the U.S. has ranked the 11th out of 108 biggest foreign investors in Vietnam with diverse investment forms. Meanwhile, Vietnam has now risen to the 7th largest trading partner of the U.S. Investment by Vietnamese businesses in the country is also becoming a trend.

Humanitarian cooperation and collaboration in settlement of war legacy continue to be a high priority in the two countries' relations and have achieved many specific results. The U.S. Government and Congress have kept increasing the budget for the Bien Hoa Airport clean-up project, supporting people with disabilities in dioxin-contaminated areas, and providing aid for mine clearance, search, collection, and verification of remains of Vietnamese soldiers who died during the war in Vietnam. Up to date, Vietnamese agencies have coordinated to search, identify, and hand over 733 sets of remains of U.S. servicemen missing in the war to the U.S. side.

Positive results have been also seen in educational cooperation since the two sides have bolstered education-training cooperation and technology transfer. Cooperation in health and socio-economic recovery post COVID-19 had continued to be a bright spot in the two countries' relationship. The two sides have supported each other in provision of medical equipment, access to vaccines, sharing of experience in disease prevention and control, and citizen protection.

Regarding their cooperation in regional and international issues, the two sides have strengthened coordination at regional and global forums, especially when Vietnam took on the role of ASEAN Chairman and non-permanent member of the U.N. Security Council.

President Joe Biden's State visit to Vietnam demonstrates the U.S.’s regard for Vietnam and General Secretary Nguyen Phu Trong. The visit also marks the first time both the President and Vice President of the U.S. have visited Vietnam in a tenure.

Vietnam welcoming President Joe Biden for a state visit is one of the activities to realize the foreign policy of the 13th National Party Congress, affirming Vietnam's consistent foreign policy of independence, self-reliance, multilateralization, diversification; comprehensive, intensive, and effective international integration in an active and pro-active manner; being an active and responsible member of the international community; promoting and deepening bilateral cooperation with partners, continuing to deepen relationship, and creating intertwining interests and increasing trust. It also affirms that Vietnam attaches great importance to developing relations with the U.S. and wishes to promote the bilateral relations in the direction of mutually beneficial cooperation, contributing to maintaining regional and global peace, stability, cooperation, and sustainable development.

We believe that the visit of President Joe Biden will continue to help build and strengthen political trust, promote multi-faceted cooperation, and develop Vietnam - U.S. relations in a more practical and effective manner.

Written by PANO Editorial Board 

Translated by Mai Huong