At the meeting

At the meeting, Dam stressed education and science-technology cooperation between Vietnam and Poland began in 1960, saying thousands of Vietnamese students and postgraduates have been trained in Poland.

Global integration and scientific-technological development bring about requirements and conditions for the two sides’ collaboration to grow further, he added.

They valued the signing of a university-level cooperation agreement pact between the Vietnamese Ministry of Education and Training and the Polish Ministry of Science and Higher Education.

The deal included the increase of their respective number of scholarships granted to the other side to 20 per year, particularly in the subjects of engineering, mining-geology, agriculture, and food technology.

Deputy PM Dam said he expects the two ministries to soon negotiate and ink an agreement on qualifications reference framework to promote learning mobility.

He also mentioned the signing of a letter of intent on setting up a Polish course between Hanoi University and the Polish Ministry of Science and Higher Education.

Both host and guest highlighted coordination between relevant Vietnamese and Polish agencies in preparation for the next session of the Vietnam-Poland Joint Committee for Science-Technology Cooperation next year.

Source: VNA