Highlighting the significance of the visit, set to take place next week, the ambassador said that it takes place in the context of Mozambique prioritizing development towards modernizing the industry, attracting foreign investment capital and improving social life to create momentum for the country’s general election in 2024.

Vice President Vo Thi Anh Xuan will pay a visit to Mozambique.

Moreover, the country is taking on the role of non-permanent member of the United Nations Security Council for the 2023 - 2024 term, affirming it as a responsible member to regional and international issues.

“This is a decisive moment for Vietnam and Mozambique, on the basis of good political relations, to continue to explore and expand relations from traditional areas of cooperation such as agriculture, education, healthcare to new areas like digital transformation, minerals, civil industry, agricultural processing, construction, energy, and infrastructure,” he said.

During the visit, Xuan will meet leaders of Mozambique and local business representatives, which offer opportunities for the two sides to review the implementation of cooperative activities and propose measures to strengthen their multifaceted collaboration, Kim said, noting the Vice President’s visit will continue to affirm the good traditional friendship between Vietnam and Mozambique.

With the important role and increasing position of Mozambique in southern Africa and Vietnam in Southeast Asia, the potential for cooperation between the two countries in the coming time is huge, especially in economy and trade, according to Kim.

Mozambique has strengths in natural resources, fisheries and competitive labor while Vietnam boasts advantages in agriculture, handicrafts, fisheries, and a hard-working workforce.

The complementary economies, the regular exchange of high-level delegations, and enhanced cooperation between localities and businesses are favorable factors for Vietnam - Mozambique relations to further develop, the diplomat said.

Vietnam and Mozambique established diplomatic relations on June 25, 1975. Vietnam opened its Embassy in Mozambique in 1976, showing its respect for and desire to develop the traditional friendship with Mozambique in particular and African countries in general.

Economic, trade and investment cooperation is the highlight of the two countries' relationship. Their trade turnover in 2022 reached over USD 177 million, an increase of 16% compared to 2022.

Source: VNA