Co-organized by the International Association of Democratic Lawyers (IADL), the “Way for Peace” International Fund of Russia and the "Law of Peace" Center, the event touched upon disputes in the East Sea and the need to strengthen international cooperation.
The event touches upon disputes in the East Sea and the need to strengthen international cooperation. |
In its first part, the seminar provided updates on the latest developments in the East Sea, including legal, diplomatic and on-the-site moves in 2019-2021, policy adjustments regarding the East Sea by countries in and outside in the region, as well as relevant events and changes in the international environment.
During the second session, delegates looked into solutions to intensify trust building and promote the settlement of disputes in the East Sea on the basis of international law, especially the United Nations Convention on the Law of the Sea (UNCLOS) 1982, along with cooperation mechanisms in and outside the region to facilitate the settlement and prevent tensions from escalating.
Dr. Lai Thai Binh, Deputy Director of the East Sea Institute at the Diplomatic Academy of Vietnam, told the Vietnam News Agency (VNA) that international cooperation plays a very important role in the East Sea issue.
Vietnam always pays attention to persistently addressing disputes, particularly those regarding its territorial sovereignty, safeguarding its territorial sovereignty, preserving an environment of peace and development, and ensuring political stability and social order, he said.
Binh stressed that at the time when big organizations like the U.N. are paying more heed to the East Sea issue, cooperation, both regionally and multilaterally, is significant to promoting development, stability and cooperation in the East Sea.
Source: VNA