PM Pham Minh Chinh and UNESCO Director General Audrey Azoulay

During a reception in Hanoi on September 6 for UNESCO Director General Audrey Azoulay, Chinh thanked UNESCO for cooperating with Vietnam in the areas of education, science, culture and information-communications.

He affirmed that Vietnam will continue to be an active and responsible member of the UNESCO, contributing to UNESCO’s efforts for peace, cooperation and development.

In particular, Vietnam will actively uphold its role as a member of the UNESCO Executive Board for the 2021-2025 tenure, the Inter-Governmental Committee of the Convention on the Protection and Promotion of the Diversity of Cultural Expressions for the 2021-2025 tenure, and the Inter-governmental Committee for the Safeguarding of Intangible Cultural Heritage for 2022-2026. The country is also running for a seat in the World Heritage Committee for 2023-2037, he said.

Chinh also emphasized that Vietnam always treasures education and its infrastructure for workforce training, and asked UNESCO to help Vietnam train qualified personnel to work at multilateral organisations, including UNESCO.

At the reception

Azoulay, for her part, pledged to support the PM’s proposals on enhancing ties between UNESCO and Vietnam.

Mentioning the ceremony to mark the 50th anniversary of the Convention Concerning the Protection of the World Cultural and Natural Heritage in Ninh Binh province, the UNESCO official hailed Ninh Binh as an example of cultural preservation in tandem with socio-economic development.

She hailed Vietnam's policy on valuing culture and considering education one of the driving forces for national development.

According to her, Vietnam is well qualified to host major international conferences, including several ones by UNESCO in the coming time.

Source: VNA