Dam expressed his joy at the fruitful cooperation between Vietnam and the UN over the last decades, affirming that the Vietnamese Government highly values the role played by the UNDP in supporting development worldwide. 

He also praised Wiesen for her support to help Vietnam improve its role and position in the international arena, and further bolster its cooperation relations with the U.N. and the UNDP in particular.

Deputy PM Vu Duc Dam (right) and outgoing UNDP Resident Representative Caitlin Wiesen (Photo: baochinhphu.vn)

According to the Vietnamese leader, UNDP and Wiesen personally actively promoted the support of medical equipment and supplies for Vietnam during its fight against the COVID-19 pandemic; promptly made reports on socio-economic impacts caused by the health crisis on poor households in Vietnam; and proposed measures for and supported Vietnamese ministries and sectors in building policies to swiftly respond to the pandemic and speed up socio-economic recovery.

The Vietnamese leader also spoke highly of UNDP’s assistance for Vietnam in accelerating the country's administrative reform and green and inclusive economic recovery; unexploded ordnance (UXO) clearance; and facilitating women to join U.N. peacekeeping operations.

Dam expressed his hope that the UNDP will continue to help Vietnam improve its readiness to respond to future diseases, and review and speed up the implementation of the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs); as well as share experience and good practices in the world with the Southeast Asian nation on solving socio-economic impacts on vulnerable groups during its green transition scheme.

The Deputy PM also suggested UNDP enhance technical support for Vietnam in reducing greenhouse gas emissions; and increasing resilience and adaptive capacity of communities, economic sectors and ecosystems.

For her part, Wiesen promised to make more practical contributions to the cooperation relations between Vietnam and the UNDP in the framework of the Vietnam - UNDP Country Program in the 2022-2026 period which aims to help Vietnam promote circular economy and multidimensional poverty reduction; respond to climate change; strengthen resilience to natural disasters; and ensure environmental sustainability, among others.

Source: VNA