The three officers are Colonel Le Quoc Huy, Lieutenant Colonel Vu Viet Hung, and Lieutenant Colonel Luong Thi Tra Vinh. They are scheduled to leave Vietnam on October 13 to carry out their new tasks at the United Nations Mission in South Sudan (UNMISS).

At the event

At the ceremony, Minister of Public Security To Lam, authorized by the State President, handed over the decisions assigning tasks to the officers. He also presented the ministry’s certificates of merit to them.

Addressing the event, Lam affirmed that the ministry considers sending forces to U.N. peacekeeping missions an important task in contribution to the realization of the Vietnamese Party’s and State’s commitment to the international community in maintaining an environment of peace, stability and development in the region and the world, thus improving the country's position and prestige in the international arena.

The ministry has to date had eight officers meeting the requirements for joining the peacekeeping force.

Source: VNA