Underlining that their talks were the first among activities marking the 50th anniversary of the countries’ diplomatic ties this year, the two leaders agreed to support the two sides’ coordination in holding celebratory activities in order to enhance all-round cooperation and lift bilateral relations to a new level, thus generating practical benefits for the two peoples.

Party General Secretary Nguyen Phu Trong at the online talks with LDP President and Prime Minister of Japan Kishida Fumio on February 9 

General Secretary Nguyen Phu Trong spoke highly of Japan’s contributions to Vietnam’s socio-economic development, noting the Northeast Asian country is now a leading economic partner of Vietnam as it is the biggest official development assistance (ODA) provider and also one of the top investment, trading, and labor cooperation partners.

He affirmed Vietnam’s consistent foreign policy of independence, self-reliance, peace, friendship, cooperation and development, diversification and multilateralization of external relations; active, comprehensive and intensive integration into the world; and being a trustworthy partner and an active and responsible member of the international community.

Japan is one of the leading partners of Vietnam, he stated.

Suggesting orientations for enhancing bilateral relations, the Party leader said the two countries should strengthen political ties by maintaining frequent mutual visits and meetings at all levels, and bringing into play cooperation and dialogue mechanisms via flexible forms.

They should step up connections via all channels and at all levels, including between the Communist Party of Vietnam and the LDP, and between their governments and parliaments; promote exchanges between young and female leaders of the two ruling parties; encourage people-to-people exchanges and locality-to-locality cooperation to intensify friendship; and continue creating favorable conditions for the Vietnamese community in Japan, thereby helping further reinforce Vietnam - Japan extensive strategic partnership.

In addition, he also proposed Japan continue assisting Vietnam with industrialization and modernization; increase connecting the two economies; cooperate to guarantee economic, financial, energy, and food security; and boost partnerships in investment, trade, agriculture, human resources development, infrastructure, science and technology, support industries, digital transformation, green transition, and response to non-traditional challenges.

General Secretary Nguyen Phu Trong added that in the current world situation, Vietnam is ready to coordinate with Japan in regional and international issues, including within the framework of the Association of Southeast Asian Nations (ASEAN) and multilateral forums.

For his part, LDP President and PM Kishida agreed on the Vietnamese leader’s view on the development of bilateral relations.

Japan will keep expanding cooperation activities with Vietnam in terms of investment, trade, science - technology, and other fields, he noted.

He also appreciated contributions by the Vietnamese community, which numbers nearly 500,000 at present, to his country’s socio-economic development, voicing the readiness to provide optimal conditions for them to live, work, and study in Japan.

Amid fast and complex developments in the regional and global situations, the two countries should bolster coordination and support efforts in consolidating peace, cooperation, and development in the region and the world, according to Kishida.

At the talks, both sides affirmed the importance of bilateral relations to each country and of the creation of new momentum for their ties.

They agreed to direct Vietnamese and Japanese ministries, sectors, and localities to carry out the talks’ outcomes and the agreements reached between the countries, while making the best use of cooperation mechanisms to develop bilateral relations even more strongly.

Source: VNA