The support consists of 1,300 personal protective equipment kits and 1,300 clean water tanks. This support is part of a large financial support package in the Japan Supplementary Budget for 11 countries in Asia and the Pacific, including Vietnam. UNDP is responsible for technical assistance, overall management and implementation of the project.

During the event

According to the most recent UNDP assessment, poor, near-poor and disadvantaged households, including small farmer households and free labors, are among those most affected due to the impacts of the COVID-19 and droughts in the South (South-Central coastal and Mekong Delta regions).

As a result, the poor and near-poor families in the localities lack facilities for Covid-19 protection as well as finance to buy water tanks.

According to Caitlin Wiesen, Head of the UNDP Representative Office in Vietnam, the support would help poor households stabilize their lives and prevent the pandemic.

Translated by Hoang Giang