In his opening remarks, VASS Vice President Assoc.Prof.Dr. Nguyen Duc Minh said that the relations, set up on November 17, 1954, have been consolidated and strongly developed in various areas, stressing they have been supporting each other during their struggle for national independence, renewal, and international integration.

The Go Mongolia Roadshow 2024 event in Ho Chi Minh City has attracted the attention of many Vietnamese travel firms.

Recalling the historical milestones in the bilateral ties, including the visit to Mongolia by President Ho Chi Minh in 1955 and many other high-level visits, the signing of various cooperation documents, and the establishment of the inter-governmental committee in 1979, Minh said the events help fortify the friendship basis, and comprehensively develop the relations across the domains of politics, economy, defense, culture, and education.

The workshop created an opportunity for the two sides to look back on the outcomes of the cooperation over the past decades, while ushering in chances for them to discuss future cooperation orientations with a view to building the sustainable, effective and comprehensive Vietnam - Mongolia ties in all areas. Solutions put forth at the event will contribute significantly to further elevating the bilateral ties, he added.

Meanwhile, Vice President of the Mongolian Academy of Sciences Dr. Tserendorj stressed the significance of enhancing scientific cooperation between the two countries, particularly in society, history, archeology, and languages, affirming that Mongolia has been interested in Vietnam’s development experience in foreign investment attraction, sustainable development, industry, energy, agriculture, transport, and tourism.

He expressed his hope that Vietnam will serve as a bridge to bolster cooperation between Mongolia and other Southeast Asian countries, and help the nation better engage in regional forums, especially the Asia-Pacific Economic Cooperation.

Assoc. Prof., Dr. Pham Hong Thai from the VASS’s Institute for Northeast Asian Studies spoke highly the prospect of the robust ties between the two nations on the back of their cultural similarities, stating Mongolia’s “third neighbor” policy will open up opportunities for the bilateral relations to further develop.

Dr. Vo Hai Thanh, also from the institute, held that the expansion of cooperation between enterprises of both sides is important for them to bolster trade and investment, and capitalize on their economic potential. Besides, it creates favorable conditions for the firms to access new markets, expand their scales, and step up international connectivity.

Thanh suggested organizing culture and tourism popularization activities to promote mutual understanding between the two countries.

Source: VNA