At a reception for visiting Governor of Artemisa province and Vice President of the Cuba - Vietnam Friendship Parliamentarians’ Group Ricardo Concepcion Rodriguez, Vice Chairman of the Ho Chi Minh City People’s Committee Duong Anh Duc called on Cuban leaders to create favorable conditions for Vietnamese businesses to operate in the Caribbean nation.

Vice Chairman of the Ho Chi Minh City People’s Committee Duong Anh Duc (5th from right), and Governor of Artemisa province and Vice President of the Cuba - Vietnam Friendship Parliamentarians’ Group Ricardo Concepcion Rodriguez (5th from left) in a group photo

He also suggested stronger collaboration in medical personnel training, especially family doctors.

Ho Chi Minh City stands ready to share its experience with Artemisa in economic management and economic policy making, especially policies towards private firms, he affirmed.

For his part, Ricardo Concepcion Rodriguez said Artemisa has paid attention to preserving sites linked with Vietnam such as Ben Tre village and a kindergarten in Bauta district.

The official said his visit aims to contribute to consolidating and enhancing the relations between Vietnamese and Cuban Parties, States and people, and fostering economic ties with Vietnamese localities.

Artemisa wants to learn from Vietnam’s and Ho Chi Minh City’s experience in policy making and economic development in order to optimize its advantages to spur economic growth, he said.

Source: VNA