At the virtual meeting

Speaking at the event, Secretary of the Ho Chi Minh City Party Committee Nguyen Van Nen said that the Party Committee, administration and people of Ho Chi Minh City always attach great importance to maintaining and developing friendship and comprehensive cooperation with the Chinese Party, State, and people.

The city is ready to coordinate with Shanghai to disseminate and well implement the agreements and common perceptions between Vietnam and China, contributing to the development of their Comprehensive Strategic Cooperative Partnership.

Nen said that Ho Chi Minh City and Shanghai share many similarities and hold great potential and favorable conditions to raise their partnership to new heights.

He hopes the leaders of the two localities will increase contact and exchanges in flexible and appropriate forms, especially visits. He also expects more exchanges and experience sharing among agencies at all levels as well as people-to-people exchanges.

Expressing his impression at the development model of Shanghai city, Ho Chi Minh City’s leader called for further cooperation between the two localities in fields of Shanghai's strength such as economy, finance, trade, logistics, and technology.

For his part, Shanghai Party Secretary Chen Jining congratulated Ho Chi Minh City on its achievements in the past time and affirmed that during the course of their 29-year twin relations, the two localities have gained positive achievements in various fields.

The Chinese official also affirmed that Shanghai wishes to further tighten cooperation in such areas as trade, finance, and banking.

He expects the two sides to further optimize their advantages to promote cooperation in green and smart city development  following the world’s common development trend and the development orientation of each country.

Shanghai city vows to soon start cooperation and exchange projects to improve staff qualifications for Ho Chi Minh City and wants to invite the city’s businesses to join the China International Import Expo to be held in Shanghai in November 2023, where they can introduce high-quality products to Chinese consumers.

Source: VNA