Commenting on Vietnam - U.S. ties at the ministry’s regular press conference in Hanoi on March 23, Hang said since its establishment a decade ago, the Vietnam - U.S. comprehensive partnership has developed extensively, effectively and substantially in bilateral, regional and international aspects. The two countries have maintained contacts, dialogues and exchange of delegations at all levels, especially high-level visits. 

A delegation of the U.S. Department of Commerce works with the Vietnamese Ministry of Industry and Trade on March 10. (Photo: MoIT)

In joint statements and meetings between the two countries’ leaders, Vietnam and the U.S. consistently affirmed their commitment to respecting the United Nations Charter, international law, as well as independence, sovereignty, territorial integrity and political regime of each other. The U.S. repeatedly expressed its support for a strong, independent and prosperous Vietnam. Economic, trade, and investment cooperation has been a notable bright spot, with two-way trade reaching 123 billion USD in 2022, four times higher than that in 2013. The U.S. has become Vietnam's first export market surpassing 100 billion USD in turnover while Vietnam has become the eighth largest trade partner of the U.S., she said.

According to her, the U.S.'s foreign direct investment in Vietnam reached 11.4 billion USD, placing the U.S. at the 11th place among countries investing directly in Vietnam. Recently, a big U.S. business delegation visited Vietnam. In addition to economy, trade and investment, positive progress has also been seen in other areas like COVID-19 response, post-pandemic recovery, sci-tech, education and environment. The U.S. continues working with Vietnam in dealing with war consequences, improving legal enforcement capability at sea, and joining United Nations peacekeeping operations.

The two sides have been working more and more effectively at multilateral forums such as ASEAN, the United Nations, APEC, the Mekong sub-region to address regional and global issues of common concern related to sustainable development and climate change, she said.

Source: VNA