The host official appreciated the Japanese Government and people’s effective support for socio-economic development and poverty reduction in Vietnam via ODA over the last more than 30 years, including a loan of over 60 million JPY (418,900 USD) signed in early July 2023.

Deputy PM Tran Luu Quang (right) meets with JICA Executive Senior Vice President Yamada Junichi in Hanoi on August 1. 

Talking about the implementation of some ODA projects in Vietnam, Quang said he has frequently checked the progress of the projects funded by Japanese ODA, affirming that the Vietnamese Government is working hard to address bottlenecks to accelerate these projects.

He also called on the Japanese side to provide ODA for some railway, digital transformation, green transition, and climate change response projects in Vietnam.

Yamada informed his host about JICA’s orientation for supplying new-generation ODA for Vietnam in the time ahead, including standby credits for public health crises and natural disasters, loans provided through intermediaries, and financing owners’ capital for the private sector to carry out infrastructure projects.

Deputy PM Quang highly valued JICA’s proposals on new-generation ODA as they match Vietnam’s demand. He also assigned the Ministry of Planning and Investment to conduct detailed discussion with JICA about the issue.

Source: VNA