At the reception

At the reception, Ha highly valued JICA’s contribution to the implementation of Japan’s official development assistance (ODA) projects in Vietnam, saying JICA’s programs and projects in Vietnam have realized cooperation agreements between the two countries in a timely manner.

The Vietnamese government and people are interested in and make efforts to effectively implement the Japanese ODA loans, the official affirmed.

Currently, Japan is Vietnam’s biggest ODA supplier and has played a role in socio-economic development, poverty reduction, environmental improvement, and administrative management in Vietnamese ministries, agencies, and localities, Ha stressed.

Recalling the Asia Zero Emission Community (AZEC) Ministerial Meeting in Tokyo held in Tokyo earlier this month which he attended, Ha said he had sidelines meetings with some Japanese leaders and parliamentarians to discuss ways to support Vietnam in just energy transition, carbon neutrality, and climate change response.

Activities of the JICA Vietnam Office have contributed to promoting the extensive strategic partnership between Vietnam and Japan, the official said.

For his part, Akira said he treasures the cooperation with Vietnam and noted his readiness to support Japan’s projects and programs for Vietnam.

He also suggested accelerating the implementation of cooperation projects in the field of environment.

Source: VNA