The indicator was assessed based on procedures, time and cost to connect to the national grid, reliability in electricity provision and transparency of electricity cost.

(Photo for illustration)

It is the fifth consecutive year Vietnam’s Getting Electricity has improved. With 87.94 points, the highest level so far, Vietnam recorded the highest increase in the indicator in Southeast Asia.

Notably, the country surpassed the Philippines to claim the fourth place in the region. Rankings in electricity access surged 129 places from the 156th spot in 2013 to the current position.

The Electricity of Vietnam (EVN) said the indicator witnessed the highest increase among the 10 economic sectors covered by the report.

Vietnam is also among the top four countries of the Comprehensive and Progressive Agreement for Trans-Pacific Partnership (CPTPP) with the best electricity access.

The EVN noted it has implemented various measures to improve customer services recently, including the launch of an online portal and a 24/7 hotline.

This year, the electricity sector has worked with authorities nationwide to offer more services to businesses and people, as well as enhance transparency.

Technology application has also improved electricity provision in the past two years, the EVN added.

Source: VNA