Revenue from domestic sources reached 23.6% of its target and increased 17%. Crude oil grew to 25.7% of the target, up 13.2%, and from foreign trade 15% of the target and equivalent to 74.5% of that in the same period last year.

State budget revenue stood at about 362.3 trillion VND in the first two months of 2023.

Thirty-six of the 63 provinces and centrally-run cities nationwide recorded state budget revenue topping 18% of this year’s targets for them. This includes Hanoi at 31.8%, Bac Giang at 26.4%, Lang Son at 25%, Kien Giang at 24.8%, Bac Ninh at 24.7%, and Hai Duong at 24.2%.

Twenty-four localities saw the collection higher than in the same period of 2022, and 39 others were lower.

Meanwhile, nearly 242 trillion VND from the state budget was spent in January and February, representing 11.7% of this year’s plan and rising 6% year on year, statistics show.

The Finance Ministry said expenditures in the two months were carried out as planned, meeting demand for socio-economic development, defence, security safeguarding, state management, debt repayment, and implementation of social security tasks.

Source: VNA