This is part of the cooperation between the National Innovation Center (NIC) under the Ministry of Planning and Investment and Google to support small- and medium-sized enterprises and the development of the innovation and start-up ecosystem.

This year is the first time Google for Start-ups has been held in Vietnam. (Photo: GFS)

Nguyen Duc Long, a NIC official, said this is the first time Google for Start-ups has been organized in the country, and the program will become an annual activity of the NIC and Google for the sake of Vietnam’s development.

In this program, startups will receive advice from more than 20 experienced Vietnamese and foreign mentors, including Google experts and successful entrepreneurs of large businesses.

Google for Start-ups, launched in 2011, has been carried out in many developed countries, where the innovation and start-up system matured, such as the U.K., Israel, Spain, the Republic of Korea, Poland, Brazil, and Japan.

Nearly 200 startups in Vietnam have registered for the program.

Accordingly, 25 southern firms will take part in a week-long training course in Hanoi and Ho Chi Minh City to prepare for their next development steps.

Twenty-five others in the northern region will join the training course in Hanoi from November 14 to 18.

In December, the 10 most outstanding start-ups will be chosen to participate in the Demo Day, where they will present their innovation business models and raise capital.

Source: VNA