PANO - The 2016 Ho Chi Minh city (HCMC)-Daegu City Business Forum was held in HCMC on October 11 by the city's Investment and Trade Promotion Center and the Chamber of Trade and Commerce of Daegu city, the Republic of Korea, attracting a large number of businesses of the two countries.

The two sides signing agreements at the forum

During the forum, Vietnamese and Korean businesses actively exchanged business cooperation opportunities in such fields of common concern as finance, banking, garment and textiles, dyeing, mechanics, automation equipment, iron and steel, construction materials, construction, real estates, motorbike spare parts, media events, retail, foodstuff and beverage.

RoK has so far been the third largest investor in HCMC with more than 1,250 projects and total investment capital of USD 4.3 billion. The two cities established their friendship and cooperation ties last May.

At the forum, the two cities’ leaders hoped that the forum and exchanges between the two cities’ businesses would help bolster the two cities’ ties, opening up more cooperation opportunities for their businesses.

Memorandums of Understanding and trade agreements between the two cities’ businesses were signed at the forum as well.

Translated by Mai Huong