At the June 2 event, Ambassador to Belgium and head of the Vietnamese mission to European Union (E.U.) Nguyen Van Thao emphasized the importance of cooperation between Vietnam and the E.U. in promoting green and sustainable economic development, especially in the fields of renewable energy and environmental protection.

Production at a FDI-capital company in Dong Nai (Photo for illustration)

The ambassador affirmed that Vietnam values cooperation with the E.U. and the EuroCham in these areas and expressed his confidence that EuroCham's cooperation and expertise in renewable energy will make important contribution to Vietnam's efforts in reducing greenhouse gas emissions and climate change response.

Regarding illegal, unreported and unregulated (IUU) fishing, Thao also called on EuroCham to urge the European Commission (E.C.) to remove its “yellow card” warning against Vietnamese seafood.

For the Just Energy Transition Partnership (JETP), Thao appreciated EuroCham's role in promoting the JETP in Vietnam, and expressed his hope for close cooperation with the chamber in implementing the partnership effectively.

For his part, Eurocham Chairman Dominik Meichle said the seminar highlights the ongoing and future cooperation between EuroCham and Vietnamese partners, focusing on sustainable economic development.

He said that during meetings with the E.C.'s bodies, Eurocham touched upon the "yellow card" warning against Vietnamese seafood and called on the E.C. to consider lifting it soon.

Meichle said the business confidence index released by EuroCham shows its members are positive about Vietnam’s economy, and acknowledge substantial opportunities brought about by the Southeast Asian nation.

Moreover, Vietnam has strengths to attract foreign investment thanks to its stable investment environment, well-trained workforce, and open dialogues between the Government and businesses, he said, noting Vietnam's economic outlook is very rosy.

Meichle suggested the country keep inflation at a reasonable level, increase public investment in infrastructure development, especially for green energy, transportation and seaports, streamline administrative procedures, and boost digitalization.

Source: VNA