At the working session, the two sides looked into orientations for and forms of cooperation in the fields of common concern so as to help the SAV improve its capacity in IT audit, environmental audit and operational audit, and in the realization of the Sustainable Development Goals.

SAV Auditor General Ho Duc Phoc said the WB’s assistance for the SAV and its cooperation with the Vietnamese agency in implementing the WB’s programs and projects in Vietnam have greatly helped with the SAV’s development so far.

The working session between officials of the State Audit Office of Vietnam and the World Bank

Highlighting the practical joint activities, he expressed his hope that the WB will assist the SAV to fulfill its role in holding the chairmanship of the Asian Organization of Supreme Audit Institutions (ASOSAI), including helping the SAV to organize and participate in joint audits within ASOSAI, improve Vietnamese auditors’ capacity, and carry out the SAV’s development strategy and IT architecture for 2019-2025 so as to help the SAV complete its digital infrastructure in 2025.

Phoc also called on the WB to increase support to the SAV to improve its auditing quality, including in the audits of the WB’s programs and projects in Vietnam.

At the meeting, head for the WB’s East Asia and the Pacific Hassan Zaman expressed his readiness to enhance cooperation between the SAV and the WB.

He added the WB is willing to continue assisting the Vietnamese side to promote its auditing capacity and methods in IT audit, environmental audit and operational audit.

At the session, WB representatives also shared useful experiences and good practices in operational audit and the application of IT to audit activities.

Source: VNA