Vietnamese Ambassador to Italy Duong Hai Hung

During the visit, taking place on November 8 and 9, the diplomat addressed a workshop that promoted investment cooperation between Binh Phuoc province in southern Vietnam and the Italian region.

He highlighted factors that contribute to Vietnam's attraction to investors, including political stability, a golden workforce, a favorable business environment and benefits from the 15 free trade agreements that Vietnam is a member, including the EVFTA.

The ambassador recommended that Italian firms can invest in sectors suitable to Binh Phuoc’s attention and Emilia Romagna’s strength such as environmentally friendly high technology, financial service, logistics, support industries, industry, and high-tech agriculture.

Hung stated the embassy considers economic diplomacy a top priority and is willing to accompany and assist Vietnamese and Italian localities and enterprises in tapping potential of each other's market and business-investment opportunities.

Meeting with Matteo Lepore, mayor of the region’s capital Bologna, the ambassador said the Vietnam-Italy traditional friendship and strategic partnership lay the basis for Vietnam and Bologna to team up in the sectors of small- and medium-sized enterprises, machine building, high-tech production, and high-quality human resources training.

Lepore affirmed the city’s willingness to accompany local business delegation to visit Vietnam seeking investment and trade opportunities and agreed to support the embassy’s organization of cultural and economic activities in Bologna next year – when Vietnam and Italy will celebrate the 50th anniversary of their diplomatic relations.

While in the region, Hung visited President of the Italy - ASEAN Association Romano Prodi, who vowed to do his best in contribution to the development of Vietnam’s ties with Italy and the E.U.

Hung proposed the official, who is also former President of the European Commission (E.C.) and former Prime Minister of Italy, help speed up Italy’s ratification of the E.U. - Vietnam Investment Protection Agreement (EVIPA), the E.C.’s removal of its yellow card for Vietnamese seafood, and implement a number of initiatives within the framework of the Italy - ASEAN development partnership.

Source: VNA