According to the authority, so far, the E.U. has launched 14 trade defense investigations on products imported from Vietnam, including six regarding anti-dumping allegations, one on anti-subsidy, six on tax evasion and one self-defense . Products involving in the investigations are diverse, including footwear, steel products, fluorescent lamps, metal rings, and gas lighters.
Notably, since 2018, the E.U. has not launched any new investigations on Vietnamese products but only reviewed previous cases. Among the E.U. markets, Turkey is the country with the largest numbers of trade defense investigation and remedies on Vietnamese products.
So far, the E.U. has launched 14 trade defense investigations on products imported from Vietnam. |
In order to realize commitments stated in the E.U.-Vietnam Free Trade Agreement (EVFTA), the MoIT has issued Circular No.30/2020/TT-BCT guiding the implementation of contents related to trade defense in the deal. It includes regulations on the application of bilateral defense measures in case products imported from E.U. member countries increase abnormally due to tax reduction following the EVFTA, causing losses to domestic industries.
Meanwhile, the ministry has strengthened the operation of the early alerting system on trade remedies, while giving solutions and consultations to production and exporting businesses to avoid trade defense investigations.
Le Trieu Dung, head of the Trade Remedies Authority of Vietnam, said in order to protect the interest of Vietnamese exporters, along with giving early warning on the E.U.-launched trade defense investigations, the ministry has continued to complete the legal system, institutions in the field and the trade defense system.
Alongside, the MoIT will continue effectively conducting a project on build and operate the trade remedy warning system and a master plan on responding to trade defense measures. The ministry will also increase awareness campaigns among the business community on trade remedies to protect their interest in the E.U. market.
Source: VNA