At the 36th minute, Iran was awarded a free kick. The ball was crossed into the penalty area and Hazbavi jumped up to head the ball, opening the score.

Nguyen Duc Viet (number 7) gets tackled. (Photo by AFC)

Trailing 0-1 in the first half, Vietnam had no other option but to push their team forward from the beginning of the second half.

At the 56th minute, Van Khang appeared at the right time to make a decisive finish, leveling the score 1-1 for Vietnam.

From a breakthrough on the left wing at the 75th minute, the ball fell into Vietnam's penalty area and Saharkhizan finished to bring the score to 2-1 for U20 Iran.

In the final minutes, Vietnam tried to push their team forward to find an equalizer, but with their energy depleted, the Southeast Asian team couldn't succeed, and conceded another goal at the 94th minute.

Source: VNA