Minister of Culture, Sports and Tourism Nguyen Van Hung speaks at the event.

At the event, leaders of the Ministry of Culture, Sports and Tourism, the Vietnam Sports Administration, and the VFF expressed their gratitude to the Korean coach for his five-year tenure with the Vietnam’s national football teams.

Addressing the event, Minister of Culture, Sports and Tourism Nguyen Van Hung stated that over the past five years, Coach Park Hang-seo has led the national football teams to numerous historical victories at regional and global tournaments. His coaching methods are valuable experience lessons for Vietnamese football managers, Minister Hung said.

The minister hoped that Coach Park will continue to make contribution to the development of the Vietnamese football in the time to come, especially in training young players.

Coach Park Hang-seo delivers his speech.

For his part, Coach Park Hang-seo thanked the Ministry of Culture, Sports and Tourism, the Vietnam Sports Administration, and the VFF for creating favorable conditions for and supporting him over the past five years. He also expressed thanks to the players and the fans, adding that he will never forget great memories with them.

On the occasion, leader of the Ministry of Culture, Sports and Tourism handed over the certificates of merit of the Prime Minister to Coach Park Hang-seo and his assistant Lee Yong-jin in recognition of their contribution to the achievements of the national football teams.

Prime Minister's certificates of merit presented to Coach Park Hang-seo (right) and his assistant Lee Yong-jin (left)

A VFF representative wished Coach Park Hang-seo and his family good health and happiness, and at the same time hoped that he will continue to contribute to strengthening the good friendship between Vietnam and the Republic of Korea. He also hoped that Coach Park Hang-seo will continue to make positive contribution to Vietnamese football through his work and football projects that he is cherishing to implement in the near future.

Translated by Trung Thanh