PANO – On the morning of April 14th (the 8th day of the third month of the lunar year), a procession and an offering ceremony commemorating the Hung Kings took place at the Hung Kings temple historical relic site in Phu Tho province.

A traditional art performance

Participating in the parade  were  representatives of wards and communes in the neighborhood of the temple, including Van Phu ward, Hung Lo commune, Kim Duc commune, Chu Hoa commune (in Viet Tri city), Tien Kien commune and Hung Son town (in Lam Thao district).

The procession brought offerings from local temples to the Hung Kings temple and performed an offering ritual to commemorate the Hung Kings. The event also recaptured a number of folk cultural activities of the region, including Senh Tien dance and the parade of parasols.

Many other cultural activities were also held on the 14th, including a photo exhibition showcasing Phu Tho province artists, a presentation of poems about the province, and traditional art performances at cultural camps.

Translated by Thuy Duong