Vun Art’s project

Vun Art is a collective economic model in cultural and creative industries with the desire to preserve and introduce traditional cultural features, take advantage of excess materials to protect the environment, create sustainable jobs and change society's perception of the working and creative capabilities of people with disabilities.

Found in 2017 by Le Viet Cuong, Vun Art was recognized by UNESCO in 2019 as a sustainable creative model. It develops creative products in Van Phuc silk village and creates sustainable jobs for people with disabilities.

Also in 2019, Vun Art products were added to the list of four-star OCOP (One Commune One Product) products of Hanoi. Its products are good enough for export, ranging from paintings, T-shirts, handbags, to other Vietnamese souvenirs that can go along with tourists everywhere. These products are made from silk, and can be washed without peeling or color-fading over the years.

A portrait of late Prime Minister Vo Van Kiet made from silk scraps

As from June 27 this year, portraits from silk scraps created by Vun Art’s “special artisans” - people with disabilities - will be exhibited at Hanoi Museum with nods from its customers. After this special exhibition, the portraits will be returned to their owners.

The exhibition is part of Vun Art’s project entitled “Portraits from silk scraps” with the aim of improving working conditions of these special artisans who skillfully make portraits from well-known Van Phuc silk scraps.

Customers could order portraits of themselves, their friends or relatives by giving the “artisans” their photos. The mission of these “special artisans” is to recreate the photos from available silk scraps.

A portrait of late musician Trinh Cong Son created by Vun Art’s “special artisan”

So far, Vun Art’s “special artisans” have created thousands of lively portraits of famous celebrities such as late President Ho Chi Minh, late Prime Minister Vo Van Kiet, late musician Trinh Cong Son. Each work holds artistic skills of the artisan, and the vividness of the patterns of Van Phuc silk - soft and durable material that helps preserve lasting beauty over the years.

“A piece of silk scrap will help create an art painting if it is put in the right place. A person with disability could beautify the life with their wonderful qualities if they could find the right place.” This is the message and mission of Vun Art.

Translated by Chung Anh