Vice President Dang Thi Ngoc Thinh and Former Vice President Nguyen Thi Doan attended the ceremony.

 Incense offering at Hai Ba Trung Temple
In her speech, Vice President Thinh highlighted the significance of the uprising, affirming that the undaunted spirit of the Trung sisters brought independence and self-determination to the nation. “Trung sisters and their uprising have left us an invaluable spiritual legacy, fostering the strength of national unity, including the intellectual power and undaunted spirit of the Vietnamese women”, Thinh emphasized.

She also underlined the patriotic tradition and contributions of the Vietnamese women to the struggles for national liberation as well as the current national construction and defense cause.

After the celebration, the Vice President and delegates offered incense to commemorate Trung sisters at the temple.

In AD 40, Trung Trac and her younger sister Trung Nhi led their troops to repel Chinese invaders for three years. The victory gained independence for Dai Viet (an old name of Vietnam) after over two centuries dominated by Chinese invaders.

On the sixth day of the first lunar month each year, the victory is celebrated at Hai Ba Trung Temple, Hanoi and several places across the country.

Translated by Thuy Duong