Minh has passed many milestones in his life. He first studied economics and then became a lecturer at the Air Defense - Air Force Service. After that, he continued his study in the Soviet Union, then was discharged from the military and became a successful businessman. Currently, Minh is Chairman of IMG Investment Joint Stock Company. After stressful moments, he usually spends time on poetry and music.

Musician Le Tu Minh (first, left)

Minh has translated more than 40 Russian songs into Vietnamese. He has also translated many foreign-language songs into Vietnamese, including the song “Bonjour Vietnam” (Hello Vietnam), which has now become very famous.

Meanwhile, a lot of his poems were set to music by famous musicians such as Do Hong Quan, Duc Trinh, Xuan Phuong, Tuan Phuong, for example the poem “Nha em o lung doi” (My house is on the hillside).

Then Minh tried to compose music for his poems. In 2019, he was admitted to the Vietnam Musicians Association and gained many achievements. Accordingly, the song “Cung buoc toi vinh quang” (Steps to Glory) won the second prize of the Vietnam Musicians Association in 2020, and more.

“Hoi sinh” (Revival) is one of his works, which has been translated into Russian and performed at the International Academic Music Festival in the Republic of Adygea, Russia in 2023. Composer Rashid Kalimullin, Chairman of the Union of Musicians of the Russian Federation, also attended the event. He met Minh and proposed he to play the work at the Tchaikovsky conservatory.

Tchaikovsky Conservatory (Moscow) is one of the leading conservatories in Russia and the world. The conservatory’s arts council chose Minh’s three works “Hoi sinh” (Revival), “Ve ben me” (Coming back to Mother), and “Oi con song Vam Co” (Oh, Vam Co River) to perform at a concert. On May 6, 2024, within the framework of the Russian and Vietnamese Music program, the Moscow State Academic Symphony Orchestra (MGASO) selected his three works to perform, along with other works by composer R. Kalimullin.

At the end of the event, composer R. Kalimullin invited musician Minh to the stage. Many audiences stayed after the concert to congratulate musicians R. Kalimullin and Minh. Businessman Do Xuan Hoang, Chairman of the Vietnamese Association in Russia, held that, “We hope that there will be more and more cultural activities of Vietnamese people like this.”

Translated by Minh Anh