November 08, 2006 | 20:49 (GMT+7)
Exhibition on consequences of war opens, calling for more aid for victims
An exhibition with the theme "Consequences of ordnances, explosives and Agent Orange left by wars in Viet Nam" was opened in Hanoi on Nov. 8...
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An exhibition with the theme "Consequences of ordnances, explosives and Agent Orange left by wars in Viet Nam" was opened in Hanoi on Nov. 8.
With more than 1,000 objects, the exhibition focuses on the consequences caused by those weapons to the natural environment and people in Viet Nam, calling for more aid relief for victims.
It also aims at calling on organisations, social associations, officials and soldiers in armed forces to actively take part in providing the community with education on the possible danger caused by unexploded bombs, mines, other explosives and Agent Orange which remain after repeated wars in the country.
According to the statistics, the US army used more than 15 million tonnes of lethal weapons during the war in Viet Nam, or an average of 46 tonnes of bombs per square kilometre. Between 1961 and 1971, the US armies sprayed more than 100 litres of defoliant, including 44 million litre of Agent Orange with high dioxin content, on battlefields in southern Viet Nam.
Source: VNA