Vietnam Television (VTV) began broadcasting new ethnic language television shows on Channel Five as from March 1.

The shows, produced by 42 local television studios in co-operation with VTV branches, will introduce the country's different ethnic groups.

Two shows entitled Tap Chi Dan Toc (Ethnic Magazine) and Tap Chi Van Hoa Dan Toc Vietnam (Vietnam Ethnic Culture Magazine) will be among the highlights, said Do Quoc Khanh, deputy-head of VTV's Ethnic Language Department.

The weekly Ethnic Magazine shows will be 30 minutes in length and focus on three main elements.

Bringing Policies to Life will feature outstanding issues such as production land allotment, forest protection and rural development.

Ethnic people who are good businessmen and leaders in their villages will be portrayed in Good Person Good Work while Cultural Conservation and Development will introduce each ethnic group.

The new format of shows is being produced and broadcast under the Government's project on ethnic language television shows from 2011-15 with a view to popularizing and conserving typical cultures.

It also aims to celebrate 10 years of ethnic language television broadcasting on VTV.

The first show was aired on Channel Five (VTV5) in five ethnic languages namely Mong, E-De, Khmer, Cham and Gia Rai in 2002.

Ethnic language television shows in 2006-10 received VND320 billion (US$15,3 million) in Government investment, used to train ethnic workers, support finance source for local television stations and upgrade production equipment.

The shows are now broadcast in nearly 30 languages such as Dao, Muong, San Chi and Thai.

Over the last 10 years, Channel 5 produced highly rated television shows including documentary features such as the Mountainous Area Chronicle and Travelling the Central Area.

The 40-episode documentary Da River Chronicle, first shown on VTV5, will be aired on VTV1 on March 5 in condensed 28-episode format.

The chronicle was made by the VTV's Ethnic Language Television Department and five television stations in northern provinces of Lai Chau, Dien Bien, Son La, Hoa Binh and Phu Tho.

Source: VNS/VOV Online