The concert will see the Vietnam National Symphony and Orchestra (VNSO) playing pieces by renowned composers, such as Do Hong Quan, Tran Manh Hung, PQ Phan, late composer Do Dung, and emerging musician Pho Duc Hoang.
Pianist Hsin-Chiao Liao will perform a piano concerto by late composer Do Dung at the the VNAM Grand Concert Hall. (Photo courtesy of HBSO) |
The concert will premiere two pieces by Hoang and Phan to introduce popular symphonies to music lovers, said VNSO Director Trinh Tung Linh.
Hoang was commissioned to write ‘Lap Xuan’ (Spring Arrives) for the VNSO's subscription concert vol. 163.
The work embraces pluralism, in which musicians are free to absorb different styles of music and refine their own musical language. ‘Lap Xuan’ is based on the composer's experience of spring.
"It is my memories of when springtime arrives and everything begins to wake up. I use the pentatonic scale to express this feeling," he said.
Hoang has got a master's in composition and is currently a postgraduate student at South Florida University. He composes both instrumental and electronic music. In his compositions, he explores new timbres and forms of expression and creates unique and impressive new music.
Phan's Violin Concerto will be premiered at the upcoming concert. He is living in the US and is a professor of music composition at Indiana University's Jacobs School of Music.
The concert will also include the piano concerto ‘Bat Khuat’ by Do Dung, an aria for ‘dan bau’ (monochord) by Tran Manh Hung, and the rhapsody Vietnam by Do Hong Quan.
‘Bat Khuat’ (Indomitable) is composed by Do Dung, the first director of the VNSO who passed away last month. The concerto will be performed by soloist Hsin-Chiao Liao from Chinese Taipei.
The concert will take place at the VNAM Grand Concert Hall at 8pm at 77 Hao Nam Street. Tickets are available online at
Source: VNA