In a meeting with Lao National Assembly Chairman Xaysomphone Phomvihane on August 22, Luu emphasized that the Party, State, and people of Vietnam always highly value the great assistance of the Lao counterparts for Vietnam in its struggle for national independence and liberation in the past, as well as in the national construction and defense at present.

He informed the Lao top legislator of the outcomes of the talks between the VPC and the Lao Committee for Peace and Solidarity, saying that the two sides will enhance coordination and mutual support in multilateral people-to-people diplomatic activities, particularly within the framework of the World Peace Council.

Lao National Assembly Chairman Xaysomphone Phomvihane (R) and Chairman of the Vietnam Peace Committee (VPC) Uong Chu Luu

They will also support each other in improving the professional competence of staff engaged in people-to-people diplomacy, and share experiences related to the work of both sides, Luu said.

For his part, Phomvihane affirmed the Vietnamese delegation’s visit and cooperation between the two committees will contribute to further promoting and deepening the great friendship, special solidarity, and comprehensive cooperation between the two Parties, States, and people.

During the talks a day earlier, the two committees provided updates on the socio-economic development in each country and compared notes on regional and global situations.

Participants affirmed the commitment to continuing the close coordination and mutual support to strengthen exchange and cooperation between the two people; enhancing peace education and anti-war efforts; and actively collaborating at international multilateral forums to promote peace, cooperation, and development.

At a workshop on people-to-people diplomacy on the same say, President of the Vietnam Union of Friendship Organizations Nguyen Phuong Nga shared Vietnam’s experience in people-to-people diplomacy.

Participants engaged in live discussions, sharing their experience in people-to-people diplomacy of Lao organizations, and proposing numerous recommendations to improve the quality and effectiveness of people-to-people diplomatic activities.

They emphasized the significance of people-to-people exchanges and the need of strengthened traditional education and peace education for young people, thus deepening the great friendship, special solidarity, and comprehensive cooperation between the two nations.

Source: VNA