Speaking at the event, Minister Dung affirmed that cooperation between his ministry and Cambodia's Ministry of Labor and Vocational Training has been developing and achieved many good results. Specifically, through the implementation of the Memorandum of Understanding on labor cooperation between the two ministries signed in March 2017, the ministries have strengthened the management of Cambodian laborers in Vietnam as well as Vietnamese laborers in Cambodia, helping ensure their legitimate rights and interests, especially during the COVID-19 pandemic.

The Vietnam - Cambodia Labor Ministers' Meeting takes place in Hanoi on April 5.

The two countries have also promoted cooperative activities and supported each other bilaterally and multilaterally through joint projects within the frameworks of ASEAN, the Mekong sub-region, Cambodia - Laos - Myanmar - Vietnam and Thailand (CLMVT) cooperation on labor and on international forums to which both countries are members.

Through the Vietnam - Cambodia Joint Committee on Economic, Cultural, and Scientific-Technical Cooperation, about 35 Cambodian students received scholarships to study at Thai Nguyen College of Vietnam every year.

Minister Ith Samheng highly appreciated the cooperation relationship between the two ministries and emphasized the significance of the Action Plan to implement the MoU on labor cooperation for the 2022-2027 period.

He also noted the importance of skills sharing between the two countries to benefit the people.

The two ministers reviewed and approved the meeting's documents with strong commitments for further cooperation including an action plan to implement the MoU on Labor Cooperation between the two ministries for 2022-2027 and the Joint Statement of the meeting.

Source: VNA