During the program, 105 participating young volunteers in Ho Chi Minh City will conduct various activities in the Lao provinces of Champasak and Attapeu from July 13-26.

At the event

The participating youths are divided into three groups. The first group includes young civil servants and workers. The second team comprises young teachers and students from universities and colleges, while the last one consists of young doctors in the city.  

The young participants will provide health check-ups, medicines and consultation for local people, hold experience sharing activities with Lao medical personnel, and carry out activities on technological transformation in agriculture. They will also build a Vietnam-Laos friendship house, a playground for children, and a reading room and teach Vietnamese to children in Laos, especially overseas Vietnamese in Laos.

On the occasion, the municipal Youth Union chapter kicked off an 80-member volunteer team to conduct activities on Phu Quy island district of Binh Thuan province. 

During the two-week long event, participating youths will teach and organize activities for local children, install a system of solar lights, improve libraries at schools in island district, pain placards on environmental protection, and hold a course on technological transformation. Especially, the city’s young artists will hold a composing camp to encourage participants to write songs about sea and islands.

Translated by Song Anh