Ambassador Mai wished the special friendship, solidarity and comprehensive cooperation between the two Parties and the two countries stronger development in all aspects.

She affirmed that the special relationship between Vietnam and Laos, founded by the great leaders of the two nations, President Ho Chi Minh, President Kaysone Phomvihane and President Souphanouvong, and nurtured by generations of leaders and people, has constantly developed and become an exemplary model of a faithful, pure and “unique” relationship between nations.

The Geneva missions of Vietnam and Laos

Lao Ambassador Latsamy Keomany shared Mai's view and expressed his wish that the solidarity and close bonds between the two missions will continue to be preserved and promoted.

The Lao official also said that he will continue to closely coordinate with the Vietnamese mission at multilateral forums under the United Nations, contributing to consolidating the great friendship, special solidarity and comprehensive cooperation between the two countries.

Source: VNA