At the event, a representative of Brunei, the Chair of AICHR in 2021, informed participants of the commission’s operations in a one year time from July 2020 to July 2021.

Vietnamese delegation at the online meeting

The report underlined efforts made by the AICHR in responding to the adverse impacts of COVID-19 via the implementation of the Five Year Work Plan 2021-2025 and activities in the 2021 Priority Programs.

In the year, the AICHR has stepped up cooperation in the areas of right to health, human rights in economic activities, humanitarian aid, environment and climate change, rights of the vulnerable groups like migrant workers, women and children in the context of COVID-19.

AICHR adopted eight initiatives and activities in the ASEAN Comprehensive Recovery Framework (ACRF), under the scope of the commission, including Priority Program for 2022.

Ambassador Nguyen Thai Yen Huong, Vietnam’s Representative at the AICHR, emphasized that the AICHR should focus on meeting urgent, essential and fundamental demands of people like vaccine access, food security and clean water, along with education and employment, among others.

The ministers spoke highly of the AICHR’s efforts to ensure the efficiency and progress of tasks in the “new normal” and adjust activities to address new issues in human rights as the fourth wave of COVID-19 outbreaks develops more complicatedly in the region.

They also called on the commission to bolster collaboration with ASEAN agencies and partners to integrate human rights in the implementation of the ACRF and other initiatives of ASEAN.

The AICHR was also urged to foster the effectiveness of tasks which promote and protect human rights in the region and focus on fields improving the quality of life and fundamental rights of people, especially those in the vulnerable and hardest-hit groups, thereby contributing to the building of a people-oriented, people-centered ASEAN Community.

Source: VNA