It was the first activity during Vietnam’s term in the post in order to review the progress of AICHR’s priority programs and special reports on rights related to education, environment, women, children, and people with disabilities. This activity is in line with priorities established in the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals 2030.

Ambassador Nguyen Thai Yen Huong (second from right) speaks at the meeting. (Photo:

The meeting also discussed the building of AICHR’s working plan for the 2021-2025 period, its priority programs for 2021, approaches to enhance AICHR’s working efficiency, and its relations with partners so as to further step up the promotion and protection of human rights in the region.

As the Chair of AICHR, Vietnam prepared an important agenda to promote and protect human rights in line with AICRH’s terms of reference and the ASEAN Charter.

Vietnam also continued upholding the spirit of solidarity, responsibility, and cooperation among ASEAN member states, contributing to building a cohesive and responsive ASEAN in line with the theme of the ASEAN Chairmanship Year 2020.

ASEAN member countries pledged to work closely with Vietnam to help fulfill important tasks this year.

The next meeting of AICHR is scheduled in April at the ASEAN Secretariat’s headquarters in Jakarta, Indonesia.

Translated by Song Anh