The meeting was held by the Organizing Committee via video teleconference to discuss draft resolutions to be submitted to AIPA-42 for adoption. It was attended by AIPA Secretary General Nguyen Tuong Van and Le Thu Ha, permanent member of the National Assembly’s Committee for External Relations, representing the Vietnamese delegation.

Permanent member of the National Assembly’s Committee for External Relations Le Thu Ha at the event

Approving the draft resolutions, Vietnam voiced support for expanding partnership between AIPA and other parliaments and parliamentary organizations worldwide, contributing to the regional peace, stability and cooperation and consolidating the AIPA international position; while noting that further consideration should be given to allowing more observers.

Vietnam agreed to foster cooperation between ASEAN and AIPA, saying that more studies and consultation must be conducted to figure out a suitable information exchange and coordination between the two sides.

Regarding the establishment of a AIPA-EP dialogue, Vietnam held that it provides an opportunity to increase the exchange of information and experience and deepen ties between AIPA and EP as an observer. AIPA needs to further strengthen the participation of the observers in order to achieve specific and more practical results.

Vietnam also underscored the importance of building an operational framework for the AIPA’s Young Parliamentarians.

Participants to the event said that there must be a practical dialogue mechanism between AIPA and ASEAN to promote the discussion of ASEAN integration plan.

They agreed with the AIPA Secretariat’s proposal on setting up an annual inter-regional dialogue outside the AIPA General Assembly framework relating to the formation of the AIPA-EP dialogue. They also concurred to establish a working group for reviewing necessary procedures and relevant technical issues for the organization of a meeting of AIPA Young Parliamentarians.

Delegates at the event

The Organizing Committee later adopted the draft resolution for AIPA-43 to take place in Cambodia in September 2022.

Source: VNA