The event aimed to uphold the nation’s tradition “When drinking water, remember its sources” and honor the great contribution of the naval force in the cause of safeguarding national sacred sovereignty over sea and islands.

Delegates attending the event

For 11 consecutive years (2013-2023), the program has been seen as a red thread tightening the military-civilian ties and showing the deep sentiments and trust of the Party, State and people towards islanders and officers on duty in the Truong Sa archipelago. Through the program, the organizing panel hoped to educate young generations on the great sacrifice and dedication of the military and former generations in the protection of national sovereignty over sea and islands.

An art performances at the event

Also, the Communist Party of Vietnam Online Newspaper called on individuals and collectives to donate tens of billions VND, presented canoes to the Naval Service, and handed over hundreds of gratitude houses, savings books, and other gifts to naval troops’ relatives.

The organizing panel presenting gifts to the Naval Service

The special artistic program was divided into two parts, namely “Truong Sa in the heart of the Fatherland” and “Spring on Truong Sa - A journey of connection and spreading.” At the event, the organizing panel offered six gratitude houses, supported the construction of three houses, and gave 20 gifts to the Naval Service.

Delegates in a joint photo

This year’s program had a new look featuring the great efforts of companion units that have always stood side by side with the officers and soldiers of the Vietnam People's Army in the cause of national construction and protection.

Translated by Quynh Oanh