Bo Hon Island

Taking a cruise on Ha Long Bay (Quang Ninh province) and making a stop at Bo Hon Island, tourists will start an interesting journey discovering the magnificent beauty of Sung Sot Cave in the middle of the ocean.

In 2012, Sung Sot Cave was voted as one of the ten most beautiful caves in the world. The cave is located on Bo Hon Island of Ha Long Bay, a world famous natural heritage site.

The cave was firstly explored by French scientists in 1901. Overwhelmed by the gorgeous beauty of the cave, they named the cave "Grotte des surprises" - the cave of surprise. Few people can think that deep in the island with sky-high rock formations, there is such a magnificent cave.

Sung Sot Cave was voted as one of the ten most beautiful caves in the world in 2012.

From the pier, visitors must climb 50 stone stairs to reach the cave’s entrance. The path is lined with luxuriant trees creating a fresh and cool atmosphere. The entrance is wide and airy. If you set foot on the entrance and take a faraway look, you will be impressed by a spectacular scenery with blue sea, crashing waves, and undulating islands.

Stepping into the cave, visitors will be surprised by the layout of the cave. Perhaps for thousands of years, the change of heaven and earth has created unique shapes of rocks, ponds, and caves.

The magnificent stone columns inside Sung Sot Cave

The further inside the cave visitors get, the more amazed they will be. They will have a chance to admire clusters of splendid stalactites on the cliffs creating a fanciful scene like a fairyland. Stalactites make visitors imagine the shape of turtles lying by the pond, a herd of elephants, and Buddha statues, among others. Another impression tourists will have when setting foot on the cave is small and shallow ponds formed by the rainwater flowing into the interior through the limestone cracks on the cave ceiling.

Attentively, Sung Sot Cave is also associated with the legend of Thanh Giong (Saint Giong) - a legendary hero of the Vietnamese people. Legend has it that under the reign of Hung King, Thanh Giong defeated the Yin enemy from China. After the fight, Thanh Giong rode a cloud to heaven and left his iron horse and sword in the cave. His horse’s footprints later became small ponds in the cave.

A view seen from the entrance of the cave

At the exit of the cave, there is an open area called the “Royal Garden” with a crystal lake, lush bushes like an ink-wash painting of nature. The beauty of the cave will give you the exact answer to why it is called “Surprise Cave.”

A female visitor named Duong Hai Yen from Phu Tho province shared that Sung Sot Cave owns an amazing natural beauty. The cave’s visit broadened her knowledge about Ha Long Bay - UNESCO World Heritage Complex.

The combination of sunlight and stalactites draws a lively and fantastic picture.

If you have a chance to visit this cave, you will certainly be led from one surprise to another. The unique beauty of nature will bring you interesting experiences.

Translated by Quynh Oanh