The route, the fourth of its kind, runs from Cao Bang city via Thach An district to Quang Hoa district where archaeologists have found traces of river, lake and swamp environment with diverse flora and fauna that dated back 28-38 million years ago.

The UNESCO-recognized Non Nuoc Cao Bang Global Geopark in the Northern mountainous province of Cao Bang

Deputy Director of the provincial Department of Culture, Sports and Tourism Truong The Vinh said the new route integrates heritage sites, connecting Cao Bang city to other tourism routes both in and outside the province.

The route helps to effectively exploit national highway No.4A, which links Cao Bang with Quang Ninh province and Hai Phong city, as well as the special national monument of the 1950 border victory.

The latest route is associated with the legend of the No.4 road, and the heroism of the Vietnamese military and people in the victory of the border campaign in 1950.

It also includes a cluster of relics of the border victory - an evidence for the genius leadership of President Ho Chi Minh and General Vo Nguyen Giap in the resistance war against the French colonialists.

The geopark offers insights into the history of the planet across more than 500 million years through protected sites. Fossils, marine sediment, volcanic and plutonic rocks and minerals are witness to the remarkable evolution and changes of the planet, and they constitute an exceptional geological heritage.

It is also a land of tangible and intangible cultural heritage sites and special historical monuments. The area is also well-known for its high biological diversity with abundant endemic plant and animal species and ecosystems.

Source: VNA