From the land known for majestic nature...

Visiting Khau Vai at any time of the year, visitors have the opportunity to admire the majestic mountains. Both sides of the transportation route from Lung Pu commune to the gateway of Khau Vai commune are succulent, stone fields, and the pyramid-shaped mountains, which form a solid stone wall to protect villages from chilly winters in the rocky plateau region.

Magnificent Nho Que River

Located 2km from the center of Khau Vai commune, limestone maze has an area of over 9 hectares. Since 2017, it has been chosen to organize cultural activities during the annual Khau Vai Phong Luu Market Festival by Ha Giang province and Meo Vac district.

From the limestone mountain in San Seo Ty hamlet, over 3km from the limestone maze area, tourists will have a bird's eye view of Khau Vai village and its schools. Along this route, visitors’ eyes are easily caught by pyramid-shaped mountains, Turtle Cave, and a stone sculpture of the hands of parents tightly holding each other and reaching up into the sky to show the determination to conquer nature and build a happy life in Khau Vai mountainous region.

At the foot of the limestone mountain in Khau Vai commune is the poetic Nho Que River which runs through the communes of Khau Vai and Niem Tong of Meo Vac district and Duc Hanh commune of Bao Lam district, Cao Bang province. It was chosen to build Bao Lam 3 Hydropower plant thanks to its wide and long bed, which has not only brought about value in terms of hydropower and aquaculture but also held great tourism potential.

Another famous destination is a large bat cave, which is even larger than a volleyball court with a total length of about 400m, in Duc Hanh commune, Bao Lam district. It is considered an ideal location for visitors to explore and camp throughout the year.

Both sides of the riverbank stand lines of Moc Mien (kapok or cotton flower). Coming to the area in spring, tourists will feel like visiting Ha Long Bay when taking a boat trip on the Nho Que River. They will see a picturesque landscape of blooming cotton flowers and limestone mountains reflected in the blue river water. friendly people and rich culture

Khau Vai commune in Meo Vac district has nine ethnic minority groups that stay united and assist one another in economic development. Ninety percent of the population of the commune are H’mong people. As a locality gathering different ethnic minority groups, Khau Vai has diverse cultures. On Khau Vai Phong Luu Market Festival, residents from hamlets gather at the commune center to reunite with old friends, make new ones, and share difficulties and happiness in their daily life. 

Despite improved living standards, people in the mountainous commune of Khau Vai are still determined to preserve the special cultural features of their communities, such as playing musical instruments, singing, sewing traditional costumes, and worshiping the ancestors.

The Nung ethnic minority community in Khau Vai hamlet is a typical example. With only 58 households, the Nung people still maintain markets on the second and seventh days of lunar months. On the second day of the Lunar New Year, on the 2nd of lunar February, and the 27th of lunar March, the Nung families in the hamlet offer incense at a temple in remembrance of the beautiful love story between Ba and Ut and to pray for favorable weather, abundant crops, safety, and happiness.

In addition, a local art troupe is formed and maintained to perform folk music of their community during festivals, weddings, and other ceremonies.

Nung ethnic minorities in traditional costumes

In order to make the most of potential for tourism while preserving and promoting the traditional cultural values of the ethnic groups in the area, in recent years, the Party Committee and authorities of Khau Vai commune have focused on building the Nung ethnic community tourism and culture village in Khau Vai, upholding and promoting the values of Khau Vai Phong Luu Market Festival, calling on organizations and individuals to invest in strengthening tourism at limestone maze area, and proposing measures to developing tours using Bao Lam 3 Hydropower Plant.

With potential and efforts of local authorities, Khau Vai is expected to become an attractive destination for visitors.

Translated by Tran Hoai