Located in the south end of Vietnam, Ca Mau Cape in Ca Mau province is a place that every Vietnamese aspires to travel to at least once in their life. Besides the symbolic meaning, the attraction of Ca Mau Cape lies in its staggering beauty.

The itinerary begins with the Ca Mau stop at Nam Can district, where there is a market with abundant aquatic products.

From Nam Can district, visitors take a boat to travel 60 kilometres upstream to tread the sacred soil of the motherland, facing the East Sea and the western world.


Floating along the river, travelers may come across canoes transporting goods to remote areas of Nam Can. These floating vendors sell everything from needles, yarn and vegetables to luxury items. The price is not higher than the city, and can be paid later.

At 8 degrees 37 minutes 30 seconds north latitude and 104 degrees 43 minutes east longitude, Ca Mau Cape is a particularly utopian destination, even for the Vietnamese. The national coordinate obelisk, 100 kilometres from the city, was built in January 1995 to demarcate the border between Vietnam and the Gulf of Thailand.

Visitors can explore forests, green mangroves or stone embankment near the banks of the point.

Ca Mau is the only place in Vietnam where you can see sunrise and sunset both on the sea.

It is home to rich and diverse flora and fauna, many of which have been registered in the World Red Book species. The cape is also characterised by a mangrove system, a safe habitat for numerous brackish water fish.

Each year, the sediments deposited by streams created alluvial soil over hundreds of acres on both banks.

Mangrove trees are the main plants on this land, which helps consolidate the sediment to become alluvial soil.

The development history of Ca Mau Cape has been an enduring struggle between land and sea, between the natural forces and the will and intelligence of the Vietnamese people.

Source: VNA/ Photo: discounttravel.vn